
Post Season Tournaments Taking Shape

As the girls water polo season passes the midway mark, divisional standings are beginning to take shape, and teams and fans are looking to the post season.

This year, Washington State Water Polo has adopted a Regional Tournament format, instead of the previous Wild Card format. The top four teams in each division will qualify for play in a Regional Tournament, held on May 15th and 16th.

The Region I Tournament will include teams from the East and West Divsions, and will take place at Rogers High School in Puyallup. The Region II Tournament will be played at Curtis High School, in University Place, and will include teams from North and South Divisions.

The top four teams from each Regional Tournament will then advance to the State Tournament, held May 21-23 at Curtis High School.

Enumclaw Water Polo will post divisional standings as they become available, during the two weeks prior to the Regional Tournaments, starting around May 1st.