
Hornet Days Next Week

Freshmen Orientation (Students Only)
Wednesday, August 20th

Freshmen Orientation is designed to both welcome and support freshmen.  The following information will help your freshman know what to expect in advance of their first day of school.
1) Your student will receive their class schedule on this day and get a tour of the campus;
2) Your child is encouraged not to bring  backpacks, purses or other like items as the day is quite active;
3) Because the day is active, please make sure that your child wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. This is a student only function so we encourage you to let your child attend on her or his own.

Hornet Days
This year Hornet Days will be held on Thursday, August 21st and Friday, August 22nd.

Please help us spread the word—the Fall Sports Athletic Registration Day is Tuesday, August 19, 8:00AM to 10:30AM alpha A - L and then 12PM to 2:30PM alpha M - Z. 

All fall sports registration materials are available on the high school website:

It is extremely important that all students report to our building on the assigned day and time (according to the first letter of their last name) to take care of registration details such as pictures, temporary I.D. card, parking, lockers, ASB/Annual, and payment of fees, etc.  Payment can be made by Cash or Check only.  One payment can be made for all fees combined, with the exception of Food Service and student pictures, separate payments are required for those items. 
IMPORTANT NOTE:  Students will not receive their class schedule until all outstanding fees/fines are paid in full. Overdue Library books and/or flash drives can be returned during Hornet Days along with payment for current and/or overdue fees and fines. Students will receive an ‘Incomplete’ grade until course fees are paid.

The following schedule has been established for Hornet Days:
Thursday, August 21st, 2014     
 8:00 – 10:30  A - F                     
12:00 -  2:30  G – L                   
Friday, August 22nd, 2014
8:00 – 10:30  M – R
12:00 – 2:30  S – Z
All Offices closed during lunch 11:00-12:00

NOTE:  Students unable to attend Hornet Days may pick up their class schedules on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 2nd, at 7:30 a.m. in the Counseling Office.